Saturday, April 22, 2017


ज़िन्दगी की भाग दौड़ में..अक्सर हम खुद को कहीं पीछे छोड़ आते हैं।
अपनी ख्वाहिशो क पीछे भागते भागते हम अपने आप को ग़ायब कर लेते हैं। ना...दुनिया की नजरो से नहीं..खुद की नरज़ो से ओझल हो जाते हैं हम..
हम ये भूल जाते हैं..की ऊपर कोई है..सर्वशक्तिमान..जो हमारी कहानी लिख रहा है..फिर क्यों हम अंधाधुंध भागते जाते हैं..
क्यों किसी और को सजा देने क बहाने..हम खुद को ही सजा सुना देते हैं..ग़लतियो पे ग़लतिया करते जाते हैं..और फिर उन ग़लतियो को सुधरने न पाने की वजह से..अपने आप से नफरत करने लगते हैं।
सफ़र कोई भी हो..ख़त्म होता है। मंज़िल मिलती ही है..चाहे जितना समय लग जाये। फिर हम क्यों बेसब्रो की तरह, उल्टा दौड़ते हैं।
काश क हम में इतना सब्र होता।काश क हम ऊपर वाले के निर्णय का इंतज़ार करते।
तब हमारी कहानी..बचपन वाली राजकुमारी जैसे होती।

Monday, April 17, 2017

Throw back!

I looked out the window. The sky was blue and beautiful. People were enjoying the weather. I looked at the sky, felt like it would rain. And then a cold breeze flew through my hair. It felt awesome. It felt like monsoon crossing your whole body. I closed my eyes..and felt the air pass through me. I breathed it in. I could feel the cold in me..
She enjoyed the rain..she really one knew how to embrace the weather more than her..she would dance in d rain..enjoy the wind..and winter..and summer..she was so full of life..
I picked up my mobile phone..and played that song..the song that reminded me so much of her..we watched it together..that movie...aah.... wat a beautiful day..what a beautiful movie..Love Aaj this day i can imagine the whole time i was with her every time I listened to that song..
I plucked the earphones in my ear..and played that song...Aaj Din Chadhya..and closed my eyes.............

Mirage of Life!

Have you noticed how you feel more hungry, when there are people eating food around you.
Have you noticed, how you feel overweight, when you are with the slimmest, sexiest people..or vice versa ;)
Have you noticed how you feel ugly, when on an outing with beautiful people.

The point is..that you feel deprived, when you are around people, who have things that you want, or may be, just dont have.

You see your friend getting married and suddenly, you want to get married too.

You see poeple relying on materialistic things, you suddenly start craving for that over priced gown you saw on the dummy.

But is it OK to feel that?? Or is it, yet another mirage of life.
