Saturday, January 28, 2017

Moments Updated!

When you have an amazing start to your day..
when you get unexpected calls..
when you know, that you might not have million friends, but those you have are "the Keepers"..
When you feel, wanted by people around you..
When you know, that you have people who are praying for your well being, every moment..
When you know, that you have countless blessings, in the form of your lovely family..
When your sister sends you flowers, from far away..
When you receive Love from a far away land..
When your colleagues surprise you, by announcing your birthday, in the middle of a conference..
When you see your friend, passing a naughty smile..
When things are damn random..and damn unplanned..
That's when you know, that even though you might not have everything..but you did something right..
Something hauntingly beautiful..
Something... to make your LORD happy..

Friday, January 27, 2017


Since last one week, I was looking for inspiration..something to write about...many times I picked up my phone, started typing something or the other..but nothing felt right..
Fynally today I took a long deep breath, and decide to finally write something..
Moments..yes thats what I wanna write about..
Moments that just happen..
moments that you never plan..
moments when you laugh so loud that you can hear it..even after it has passed..
Moments..that make you cry and laugh at same time..
moments..when you see someones face..and tears come to your eyes..juz coz you love them so much..
moments..when you have so many people who love you..
Moments..when you just cant believe how many blessing you have..even though you are a grave sinner..
Moments..when your fantasy becomes reality..
Moments..when reality is so beautiful, that you dnt even think of fantasy..
I had so many such moments yesterday..they were all full of love, surprises,
They all made my birthday one way or the other..
And most of all..I have a collection of remember...


Saturday, January 21, 2017

Sirf tum!

कभी कभी मैं सोचती हूँ, क्यों ज़िन्दगी इतनी मुशकील सी हो गयी है। तम्हारे साथ गुज़ारे लम्हे क्यों मुझे परेशां करते हैं। सोचते सोचते ट्रेन का वो सफ़र याद आता है जिसमें मैं और तुम हसते हस्ते रो पड़े थे। जिसमें वो ग़ज़ल सुनते सुनते हमारा सफ़र कब कटा पता ही नहीं चला।
अजीब सी ख्वाहिशें हैं, हर करवट बदल सी जाती हैं। कभी तुम्हारा साथ, कभी तुम्हारी बातें और कभी तुम।
मौसम की तरह तुम्हारा बदलना, हस्ते हस्ते गुस्सा हो जाना, अपनी बातों से खुद ही पलट जाना, इन सब बातों की आदत से हो गयी है।
तनहा चलते चलते पलट जाती हु मैं जैसे तुमने आवाज़ दी हो, पलट के देखती हु तो सिर्फ तन्हाई दिखती है।
क्यों, आखिर क्यों ज़िन्दगी इतनी खली हो गयी है। और क्यों कोई तुम जैसा नहीं मिलता?

हाँ। आज मान लिया मैंने, मोहब्बत ही गयी है तुमसे..सिर्फ तुमसे :)


Sunday, January 15, 2017

The end of The Road

Journey of life, starts at one end and ends at another end. And the traveller can see the end provided he/she keeps his/her eyes open.
But we tend to just see the crowd, the people, the disturbances, the small kaccha roads that are actually cuts, that juz make the journey longer. And we forget, that no matter what road we take, no matter how much we try to prolomg our journey, the end is certain and decided. We dont prolong our journey, we just take a even shorter road.

And when you realise that, that is when you actually bow down to God. You pray for success, not juz on this road, but the road hereafter. You pray for your fellow travellers. You pray for your loved ones. You pray for those who have already crossed the line from here to the after world. You pray for those who will come after you.
And that is when you actually prolomg your journey. That is when you find solace.
That is when you see the end of the road!


Thursday, January 12, 2017


You have scared me. From the first day we have been together, all you have done is scare me.
You scared me, when you asked me out.
You scared me, when you called me and asked me to come on my balcony, and you had a rose in your hand.
You scared me, when we sat on the stairs of our canteen, and you left that last piece of tikki for me.
You scared me, when you held my hand for the first time in college corridors.
You scared me, when we went for that pizza I was craving for.
You scared me, when just to make me smile, you pretended that you didnt know how to use fork and knife.
You scared me, when you kissed me on my nose, and told me I had a small nose ;)
You scared me, when you were persistent about having me in your life, even when I wanted to leave you.
You scared me, when you tolerated all my tantrums and mood swings.
You scared me to death when you said you loved me. And you have scared me everyday since.
You scared me, when you said I was beautiful, on my worst days.
And last night, when you asked me to marry you, i was scared the most.

Never would hav anyone loved being scared that much.



Saturday, January 7, 2017

Dark Love!

"The moment I saw you, I knew you were mine. The way you bent your head, when you talked to me. The way your eyes were piercing my heart and mind. I knew, in that moment, that I can be no one's but yours."

"And you are mine. Every breath, every smile, hell...Every DNA of yours is mine. And dont you dare think or say or imply otherwise. I LoVE YoU with all my heart. I have given you every thing of my life. I have written your name, on each breath I take. I am wholly yours. And i intend to make you mine. Each drop of my blood is for you. Dont you dare doubt me. Because I will prove it to you. I will drain my body of blood, untill you see..untill you believe me. And untill you say yes to marry me. And untill you spend the end of eternity with me. We will be togeder forever."- She said.

He laughed and turned around, and went away.
Next morning, he read it in newspaper.



Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The Science of Love!

What is Love?
When we meet someone, our brain sends out signals, hormones, and we decide that we like that person.
But are we really sure that its d person, that causes the hormonal rush?
We fall in love many times in our short life. Sometimes it goes thru, sometimes it duznt.
How is it that many people cause the same rush?
Is it an individual thing? Or is it an idea?
I personally feel love for someone, at various times. I may feel detached to the same person, and in just another moment, I might feel love for that person. So, its perhaps an idea in my mind. Whenever and whoever fits my imagination of the perfect Love. I feel love, for that person.

Research suggests that, we tend to be in relationship with those who fit more than 70% into our mind's criteria.
Crazy isnt it?
But beautiful and hopeful at the same time.

HE doesnt love you back..dnt worry, someone else will fit into the criteria you have subconciously set for yourself.

Juz keep your mind open!
