We have heard of so many stories, of less fortunate people, struggling and fighting through life. and they become famous and stars. Their stories are shared everywhere as a motivational tool. Okay! I agree..they did have to work hard, and they did accomplish something worthwhile. Shahrukh Khan, Amitabh Bacchan, Steve Jobs and many more are in the same league.
Then comes another category of people, who were born fortunate and did not have to run behind their passions. They got a kickstart. Kareena Kapoor, Mukesh Ambani, Jamsetji Tata are in this league. They did get a kick start, but their success is their own, else they would have ended like Abhishek Bacchan.
Then their is yet another category of people, the middle class..the struggling yet fortunate. Born in a family of passions, but different kind. Deepika Padukone, Agatha Christie, Shakespeare are in this league..These people follow their passions, and succeed, in spite of the resistance from their family. Though they do have a safety cushion in place.
I feel, that these people are more prone to failures..They need more motivation!! How?? Any Suggestions?
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