Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The Science of Love!

What is Love?
When we meet someone, our brain sends out signals, hormones, and we decide that we like that person.
But are we really sure that its d person, that causes the hormonal rush?
We fall in love many times in our short life. Sometimes it goes thru, sometimes it duznt.
How is it that many people cause the same rush?
Is it an individual thing? Or is it an idea?
I personally feel love for someone, at various times. I may feel detached to the same person, and in just another moment, I might feel love for that person. So, its perhaps an idea in my mind. Whenever and whoever fits my imagination of the perfect Love. I feel love, for that person.

Research suggests that, we tend to be in relationship with those who fit more than 70% into our mind's criteria.
Crazy isnt it?
But beautiful and hopeful at the same time.

HE doesnt love you back..dnt worry, someone else will fit into the criteria you have subconciously set for yourself.

Juz keep your mind open!


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