An untold story... told with words, that are unheard.. Hidden and Dark.. Loved and Hated.. All at once!
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
You DON'T Have to be Poor to become Famous!!
Saturday, November 11, 2017
rawan dawan hai ye kaarwan kaisa,
chala ja raha hai ye musafir kaisa..
jab manzil ki nahin hai khabar,
to phir raahon ka fasana kaisa..
khatm hona hai safar maut ke darwaaze par,
phir chain-o-sukun ko lutana kaisa..
bikhri hai khushbu phulon ki manind,
yahi hai tamanna to phir ghabrana kaisa..
kisi chalte hue bacche se poochiye,
gir k uthne mein hai maza kaisa..
chala gaya hai ahmad wo tujhe chodh kar..
to usey yaad kar, ye aansu bahana kaisa..
Friday, November 10, 2017
Be A Hunky Girl!!
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
"Simple Maths"
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Baked Fish: Recipe
Items Required:
Fish ( boneless) : 1 kg
Ginger-garlic paste : 1 tbsp
Soya sauce : 2 tbsp
Paprika : 1 tbsp
Red chilli flakes : 1 tbsp
Salt : totaste
Olive oil : 2 tbsp
1) In a bowl, mix all ingredients and marinade fish pieces in it for 15 min.
2) bake the marinated fish in oven at 180 C for 10 min..or untill tender.
3) now, increase the heat, and bake for 10 min more..on both sides, for the crunchiness..
4) serve with tomato sauce!!
Saturday, April 22, 2017
अपनी ख्वाहिशो क पीछे भागते भागते हम अपने आप को ग़ायब कर लेते हैं। ना...दुनिया की नजरो से नहीं..खुद की नरज़ो से ओझल हो जाते हैं हम..
हम ये भूल जाते हैं..की ऊपर कोई है..सर्वशक्तिमान..जो हमारी कहानी लिख रहा है..फिर क्यों हम अंधाधुंध भागते जाते हैं..
क्यों किसी और को सजा देने क बहाने..हम खुद को ही सजा सुना देते हैं..ग़लतियो पे ग़लतिया करते जाते हैं..और फिर उन ग़लतियो को सुधरने न पाने की वजह से..अपने आप से नफरत करने लगते हैं।
सफ़र कोई भी हो..ख़त्म होता है। मंज़िल मिलती ही है..चाहे जितना समय लग जाये। फिर हम क्यों बेसब्रो की तरह, उल्टा दौड़ते हैं।
काश क हम में इतना सब्र होता।काश क हम ऊपर वाले के निर्णय का इंतज़ार करते।
तब हमारी कहानी..बचपन वाली राजकुमारी जैसे होती।
Monday, April 17, 2017
Throw back!
I looked out the window. The sky was blue and beautiful. People were enjoying the weather. I looked at the sky, felt like it would rain. And then a cold breeze flew through my hair. It felt awesome. It felt like monsoon crossing your whole body. I closed my eyes..and felt the air pass through me. I breathed it in. I could feel the cold in me..
She enjoyed the rain..she really one knew how to embrace the weather more than her..she would dance in d rain..enjoy the wind..and winter..and summer..she was so full of life..
I picked up my mobile phone..and played that song..the song that reminded me so much of her..we watched it together..that movie...aah.... wat a beautiful day..what a beautiful movie..Love Aaj this day i can imagine the whole time i was with her every time I listened to that song..
I plucked the earphones in my ear..and played that song...Aaj Din Chadhya..and closed my eyes.............
Mirage of Life!
Have you noticed how you feel more hungry, when there are people eating food around you.
Have you noticed, how you feel overweight, when you are with the slimmest, sexiest people..or vice versa ;)
Have you noticed how you feel ugly, when on an outing with beautiful people.
The point is..that you feel deprived, when you are around people, who have things that you want, or may be, just dont have.
You see your friend getting married and suddenly, you want to get married too.
You see poeple relying on materialistic things, you suddenly start craving for that over priced gown you saw on the dummy.
But is it OK to feel that?? Or is it, yet another mirage of life.
Thursday, March 16, 2017
"A common girl"
jealous that "she" took her place.
jealous of all the attention "she" was getting, although, in her mind, she deserved it.
jealous, that "she" was getting "her" life settled, before she could even begin.
Jealous that "she" was wanted by them.
She was amazing with her family too.
.its just that she was a COMMON GIRL.
Saturday, March 11, 2017
The Rape Survivor!
She got up..perhaps she never slept..she lukd at the sky outside..beautiful and dark..sun was about to rise..bright in the sky..she smiled at the first light of the sun..something lit her heart..a ray of hope..It was a new day!
She freshened up..made some breakfast..tea..went out to her she entered the office..all faces turned towards her..she felt the gazes on her back..but she chosed to ignore them..instead she smiled..and exchanged pleasantries..she sat on her desk..and saw the newspaper..something broke in her heart..
She ran to the rest room..tried to control her tears..she succeeded!
The day passed by..she finished all her work..and went back home..she opened the door to an empty voices..silence all around..she took a deep breath..trying to control her tears again..and succeeded again..she made some pasta..watched TV..den she went to bed..
All alone..she one to share her one to tell the days was difficult..she cried herself to sleep..
She got up again..the shining rays of sun..gave her hope..again..and she went to work!
She was NOT a rape VICTIM..
She was a rape SURVIVOR!
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Gender Equality!
They all talk about gender we have gender equality?? Is it equality, if the girls are allowed to do what dey wish to..i dont thnk so..
In my opinion, equality will not be achieved..untill the movies start promoting men in vest and underwear, rather than women.
Equality will only be achieved, when men get scared of walking alone at night.
It will only be achieved, when men walk in their vests on the road and girls whistle at them..when men wear their underwears and girls stare at their "thing"
It will only be achieved when, strip clubs hire men..and women pay to get a lap dance..
It will be achieved when these so called "comedy movies" stop portraying women as fools..instead they do it to men..and project them as sex objects..
That is when we can really say, that equality is bring achieved!!
Monday, February 27, 2017
I Love You





Becoz I feel perfect with you..!


Friday, February 24, 2017
Reasons: I Love you!
Well today I am going to answer you.
I love you because, in you, I find assurance.
Assurance of a better life.
Assurance of an ever lasting happiness.
I Love you because, i want to have your enigma for myself.
I Love you because, with you I am a better person.
I love you because for you, I can climb any mountains.
I Love you because I know you would do the same for me.
I love you, because, you are Hope.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Acceptance and Tolerance..
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Pyaar, Ishq aur Mohabbat!!
Did you know the difference between Pyaar, Ishq aur Mohabbat..
Well, philosophers have argued and argued and never came to a unanimous decision. So here is something, I came up with...
Say the above three words, slowly (like a slow motion shot in movies)..
Wat do you notice??
While saying Pyaar and Mohabbat..your lips touch each other, even though for a short while..Do u know y??well..its because, for these two u need a need someone else..its a two person emotion..needs to be reverted back, if not... IT DIES!
While Ishq is above all just adore someone or need any result..and u dnt need to prove your eyes..and it LIVES forever!
Monday, February 20, 2017
Friends & Foes
Coins have two sides, we have learnt this since we were kids. Nobody told us, people do too..
We were so innocent as kids, we saw things black and white. There was no grey..but now there are like 50 shades of grey..
We saw people as good and bad, as friends and as foes. Now there are friends who are foes and foes who are friends.
There were cunning and cheats, now there are diplomats and double faced.
Tired of seeing diplomacy all around me.
Tired of people pretending to like each other, when they actually hate.
Tired of watching people put there watsapp status and fb posts, pretending that they care and like..while as soon as they turn around, they would do anything to bash their friends.
Friday, February 3, 2017
abhi jo saath hain chal rahe,shaam ko theher jaayen kahan..
aa yun hi saath chal ke, zindagi guzar len
kal jo bichad gaye hum, phir mile jaane kahan..
ye jo ishq hai ajeeb hai, milwa de khuda se bhi
aur jo akela kar de ye, phir na jaane le jaaye kahan..
na paa saka tujhe ahmad magar,
juda kar de hamein, aisa koi insaan kahan..
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Moments Updated!
when you get unexpected calls..
when you know, that you might not have million friends, but those you have are "the Keepers"..
When you feel, wanted by people around you..
When you know, that you have people who are praying for your well being, every moment..
When you know, that you have countless blessings, in the form of your lovely family..
When your sister sends you flowers, from far away..
When you receive Love from a far away land..
When your colleagues surprise you, by announcing your birthday, in the middle of a conference..
When you see your friend, passing a naughty smile..
When things are damn random..and damn unplanned..
Something hauntingly beautiful..
Something... to make your LORD happy..
Friday, January 27, 2017
Moments..yes thats what I wanna write about..
Moments that just happen..
moments that you never plan..
moments when you laugh so loud that you can hear it..even after it has passed..
Moments..that make you cry and laugh at same time..
moments..when you see someones face..and tears come to your eyes..juz coz you love them so much..
moments..when you have so many people who love you..
Moments..when you just cant believe how many blessing you have..even though you are a grave sinner..
Moments..when your fantasy becomes reality..
Moments..when reality is so beautiful, that you dnt even think of fantasy..
They all made my birthday one way or the other..
And most of all..I have a collection of remember...
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Sirf tum!
कभी कभी मैं सोचती हूँ, क्यों ज़िन्दगी इतनी मुशकील सी हो गयी है। तम्हारे साथ गुज़ारे लम्हे क्यों मुझे परेशां करते हैं। सोचते सोचते ट्रेन का वो सफ़र याद आता है जिसमें मैं और तुम हसते हस्ते रो पड़े थे। जिसमें वो ग़ज़ल सुनते सुनते हमारा सफ़र कब कटा पता ही नहीं चला।
अजीब सी ख्वाहिशें हैं, हर करवट बदल सी जाती हैं। कभी तुम्हारा साथ, कभी तुम्हारी बातें और कभी तुम।
मौसम की तरह तुम्हारा बदलना, हस्ते हस्ते गुस्सा हो जाना, अपनी बातों से खुद ही पलट जाना, इन सब बातों की आदत से हो गयी है।
तनहा चलते चलते पलट जाती हु मैं जैसे तुमने आवाज़ दी हो, पलट के देखती हु तो सिर्फ तन्हाई दिखती है।
क्यों, आखिर क्यों ज़िन्दगी इतनी खली हो गयी है। और क्यों कोई तुम जैसा नहीं मिलता?
हाँ। आज मान लिया मैंने, मोहब्बत ही गयी है तुमसे..सिर्फ तुमसे :)
Sunday, January 15, 2017
The end of The Road
That is when you see the end of the road!
Thursday, January 12, 2017
You have scared me. From the first day we have been together, all you have done is scare me.
You scared me, when you asked me out.
You scared me, when you called me and asked me to come on my balcony, and you had a rose in your hand.
You scared me, when we sat on the stairs of our canteen, and you left that last piece of tikki for me.
You scared me, when you held my hand for the first time in college corridors.
You scared me, when we went for that pizza I was craving for.
You scared me, when just to make me smile, you pretended that you didnt know how to use fork and knife.
You scared me, when you kissed me on my nose, and told me I had a small nose ;)
You scared me, when you were persistent about having me in your life, even when I wanted to leave you.
You scared me, when you tolerated all my tantrums and mood swings.
You scared me to death when you said you loved me. And you have scared me everyday since.
You scared me, when you said I was beautiful, on my worst days.
And last night, when you asked me to marry you, i was scared the most.
Never would hav anyone loved being scared that much.
Saturday, January 7, 2017
Dark Love!
"The moment I saw you, I knew you were mine. The way you bent your head, when you talked to me. The way your eyes were piercing my heart and mind. I knew, in that moment, that I can be no one's but yours."
"And you are mine. Every breath, every smile, hell...Every DNA of yours is mine. And dont you dare think or say or imply otherwise. I LoVE YoU with all my heart. I have given you every thing of my life. I have written your name, on each breath I take. I am wholly yours. And i intend to make you mine. Each drop of my blood is for you. Dont you dare doubt me. Because I will prove it to you. I will drain my body of blood, untill you see..untill you believe me. And untill you say yes to marry me. And untill you spend the end of eternity with me. We will be togeder forever."- She said.
He laughed and turned around, and went away.
Next morning, he read it in newspaper.
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
The Science of Love!
What is Love?
When we meet someone, our brain sends out signals, hormones, and we decide that we like that person.
But are we really sure that its d person, that causes the hormonal rush?
We fall in love many times in our short life. Sometimes it goes thru, sometimes it duznt.
How is it that many people cause the same rush?
Is it an individual thing? Or is it an idea?
I personally feel love for someone, at various times. I may feel detached to the same person, and in just another moment, I might feel love for that person. So, its perhaps an idea in my mind. Whenever and whoever fits my imagination of the perfect Love. I feel love, for that person.
Research suggests that, we tend to be in relationship with those who fit more than 70% into our mind's criteria.
Crazy isnt it?
But beautiful and hopeful at the same time.
HE doesnt love you back..dnt worry, someone else will fit into the criteria you have subconciously set for yourself.
Juz keep your mind open!